

Dermaplaning uses a blade to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells and remove fine facial hair, commonly known as “peach fuzz.” This procedure produces an immediate, more radiant appearance. Following this treatment, makeup application is smoother, and other skincare products penetrate deeper, making them more effective. This service takes about 60 minutes, so you can even do it on your lunch break!

The advantages of this treatment include:

Repair and Restore Dermaplane Treatment

The Treatment

We also offer a Repair and Restore Dermaplane Treatment – 3 treatments in one! This includes Dermaplaning, a Lactic Peel, and a Firming Mask. Dermaplaning exfoliates your skin, allowing the peel and mask to penetrate your skin for lasting results. This treatment will also help to even skin tone by reducing the look of acne scars, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.





Dermaplaning treats the face, beneath the chin, and sides of the neck.

You may experience some mild redness or irritation after your dermaplaning treatment. This will subside within a few hours. For those with acne-prone skin, you may experience a mild breakout in the following days.

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